
Tomomi’s Video - Baby is coming


What could be better than receiving good news while doing one of the things you love the most?

In his latest video, Tomomi enjoys a peaceful bike ride, until he receives the news that his daughter Emma is about to be born, and that's when he rushes to get home.

“My first daughter, Emma, was born on October 17. So, I wanted to make a video to celebrate it. The project was shot in Japan, in the cities of Osaka, Tokyo, and Yokohama. And it took me about a year to make this film because of a shoulder injury, I had to stop filming for 4 months.” – Tomomi Nishikubo.

Beautiful weather and perfect conditions combine for Tomomi to enjoy a relaxing morning bike ride. That is until he gets a message that shocks him. But it’s good news; his daughter Emma is about to make her way into the world.

Tomomi rushes through the streets, first with his mountain bike, the Canyon Spectral, making a small stop to buy baby essentials. A couple of pedal strokes later the feeding bottle slips out of his pocket and falls into the river, Tomomi doesn’t hesitate twice and throws himself to its rescue. After a successful rescue but completely wet, he decides to change clothes and jump on his Custom Trials Bike.

Known for his versatility with both bikes, Tomomi celebrates the birth of his daughter in the best way he knows how - with tricks and creativity.

During the filming period, the project suffered an unscripted hold-on for 4 months, due to an injury that Tomomi suffered on his shoulder attempting a front flip. Not yet 100% recovered, Tomomi, decided to jump on his bike and keep the production rolling, throwing tricks that one wouldn’t try with a separated shoulder.

One of the hardest tricks for the Japanese was the Step up 180. This trick needed a lot of speed and skills to tap the rear tire. After the first tries, Tomomi thought that his bike was not going to hold the impact but the Canyon Spectral made it through.

“I am stoked to be back on my bike again and absolutely happy to have my daughter on my arm! I want to thank my wife and everyone who helped me recover from my injury and make this project a reality!” – Tomomi Nishikubo