
Moncayo Mountain & The Highlands


When I explore new paths I always have the same feeling, that knot in my stomach that grows with the uncertainty of the unknown.

What will I discover? . It is something that makes me go out once after another on a trip to meet new regions, countries and remote areas. But what I did not expect is that very close to the place where I live was an adventure that would take me to know villages with a great historical-artistic heritage inherited from their Christian and Islamic past. Mountains like the Moncayo loaded with legends and fantasies: from the Celtiberians to Becquer through Roman mythology, Christian miracles and popular fantasy, which together nest and grow in caves and pools in the area.

A recent network of trails created in the Soria region allows us to practice our favorite sport in a fun way and at the same time know much of the history and heritage of its most remote villages and towns. For this occasion I have chosen one of the mountains that I have been appreciating and admiring since my childhood, El Moncayo. The province of Soria proposes an upward path that starts from Ágreda to Vozmediano - there the Queiles River emerges in gusts of one thousand five hundred liters of water per second at the same birth -, on a path of pine, oak, beech and freshness which will lead to San Miguel Peak, at 2,300 meters altitude.

To maintain this high level I decided to complete my trip by moving to the Highlands of Soria. Tierras Altas or La Sierra, as its inhabitants popularly know it, is a region of the province of Soria, which is located in the north of the province. An unsurpassed beauty that hides stone villages and mountain people. A prehistoric landscape that hides beautifu