Killan Bron, speed flying, wingsuits, Oh My.
A crazy descent with Kilian Bron and friends from speed flying, wingsuit, trail running and many more disciplines... Above all, mountain biking, but also sharing moments in time and incredible landscapes in the heart of the Alps.
Three years ago, we started our series of MISSIONS deep in the heart of Peru. A first episode shot in one day was followed by other more successful videos. We have vivid memories of it, through Namibian landscapes, exposed dolomite rock trails, the sheer volcanic peaks of Chile and many more.
Beyond the landscapes, these adventures were completed by getting together and sharing with others. In particular, I’m thinking of Yannis Pelé and Jey Clementz, with whom I shared a nice trip with to the Faroe Islands.
Today it is all about a multi-month project, the seed of which was planted during a long period of confinement. Everything grew gradually until we were ready to go at the first green light from the French government, on May 11th. I personally wanted to do something new, by combining an original concept with the discovery of different worlds through different sports.
The idea was born… Bring together athletes from different backgrounds in a single video, crossing paths with them on my way, and across all the different spots.
Fabulous places all over the French Alps that we scoured for weeks. For the most part I’d already written them down in my ideas folder, but they are places that I’d noticed, sometimes from years past. I like to spend time in the mountains, explore or chat with locals to find the most beautiful places. I also spend a lot of time studying different topography and landforms, reading and watching documentaries. There is no miracle recipe, it’s good to learn!
My two colleagues Pierre Henni and Pierre Dupont then enter the game. They accompany me with their cameras in hand to make all these ideas come true. This is rarely an easy task! Unlike some shoots accessible in a bike park, where clips can be easily joined together, it’s not uncommon for us to spend several hours conquering a ridge or a remote summit. For the record, we sometimes spend a whole day getting a single shot...
The shoot was a truly enriching experience on all levels! We learned a lot by getting closer to each sport and each athlete. Whether in the air, on the water, more familiarly on land or even on snow, we touched all bases.
Above all, we shared this same desire to escape, no matter how we enjoy the mountains.