Chasing Dreams with William Robert
Last year our French Freerider William Robert landed one of the nine wild card spots at Red Bull Rampage, joining the rest of the world’s best in Utah’s desert – a long way from his home in Fontainebleau, France.
Damien Vergez captured William’s lead-up to Rampage alongside his build team, Sebastien Giraldi and Ken Desmazeau in this video.
This was William’s rookie event, and he was the first competitor to come down the mountain. He put down a run he wanted to improve on, but the winds whipped up, and the event was cancelled. The final medals handed out were judged on everyone’s single run that was thrown down.
“I grew up dreaming of riding Red Bull rampage and competing alongside my heroes. In 2022 after years of work I got the chance with a wild card spot. The chance to compete at Red Bull Rampage is something only a few riders will ever get to experience and so I wanted to tell my story of chasing that dream”
– William Robert, Adidas Five Ten Athlete
Damien Vergez captured William’s lead-up to Rampage alongside his build team, Sebastien Giraldi and Ken Desmazeau in this video.
See William Robert’s Rampage-Ready Norco Shore bike check.
Chasing Dreams was produced by Adidas Five Ten in partnership with Norco Bikes.
Video: Damien Vergez | Photos: Robin O’Neill and Andy Vathis