
Best of STUND season 3


"For those of you who have been following STUND this year and the past 2 season you all know what this show is about.  Mountain Biking Lifestyle. That says a lot actually.  We live and breath what we do in our lives and when you give that much of your life to a sport in the way which we do, it becomes your life.  The Best Of STUND is a chapter in each of our lives.  There's no doubt that each year we leave a legacy behind with this show.  The time, energy, sacrifice and finances that each member of our crew gives to make this show can not be fully understood by anyone.  We do this for the love, and we think that's why everyone should be in this industry.  
The fat has been chewed and left nothing but the lean cuts for one last sender of an episode. Ladies and Gentlemen... The BEST OF STUND!
Thanks to all for watching, this show is for the viewers because you make it all possible.  A huge shout-out to all the sites that broadcasted the show, our sponsors for taking the chance on our dream and most importantly the riders and crew of this show.  You are our most valuable assets. From all of us with stund, thank you for the support!
Enough talk, lets ride!