
Danny MacAskill. Imaginate. Lift the Lid.


Today sees the release of the fifth and final installment of 'MacAskill's 'Imaginate' as unprecedented access is granted behind the scenes of Danny's most ambitious riding project to date.

Following the release of the 'Imaginate' riding clip, which has accumulated six million views in the two weeks since its launch - viewers are now given the opportunity to see some of the challenges that had to be overcome in the creation of this special film.

'Lifting the lid' gives an insight into the filming of the clip, which Director Stu Thompson says was a 'long, long difficult process' and had so many technical and unique lines that pushed Danny's riding to a new high; none more so than the mini kicker step up which Danny says took him 'slightly out of his comfort zone'.

The project that has been two years in the making comes to a close as Kelvin Hall shuts its doors to Danny and his crew for the last time.

See the full episode now at

Do you want to take another trip behind the scenes of Danny's 'Imaginate' clip? Then check out this GoPro clip Jump on board with Danny as he rides the obstacles in the warehouse. Filmed from Danny's perspective, it's impressive to see how big "the toys" are in real life.