

Patricia Druwen joins RASOULUTION’s athlete program


When talking about future promises in the mountain bike world, the name “Patricia Druwen” comes up quite often.

The rising German star has now joined the roster of RASOULUTION, becoming the third woman on the team managed by the Munich-based sports marketing agency that will oversee the business-related side of her athlete life, giving Patricia the opportunity to focus on riding bikes.

“I am very happy that RASOULUTION is interested in me. As they have the best riders, I hope that RASOULUTION can help me to become one of the best riders in the coming years.” – Patricia Druwen.

Patricia was born in Bergisch Gladbach, Germany. During her childhood, she was not focused on bike riding but on gymnastics instead. Later, curiosity got the better of her and she started practicing tricks on her street bike. In January 2020 Patricia got her first Dirt Mountain bike.

“Patricia is an awesome rider! The first time I saw her was on Instagram and I was impressed with the style that she has and the tricks that she is doing. When I first met her, she was riding the most technical trails with such ease and control. I’ve never met a girl with such motivation, she always wants to learn new tricks and go bigger! I am really stoked for her!” – Erik Fedko.

In such a short time and thanks to her talent and devotion on the bike, Patricia managed to secure her spot as Queen of Gnar at one of the most renowned events in the MTB scene, the Audi Nines. She has also set a name for herself in the competition world, with a 3rd place at the Birell Bikefest and 1st at the Züri Dirt Contest. Currently, she sits in first place of the women’s FMB World Tour standings.

” I am very happy when I see new talent in the mountain bike world. Especially amongst the female riders, there’s been more and more talent and lots of progression. Patricia has been on our radar for quite some time and seeing her bike skills inspires other riders to progress as well. I am delighted for Rasoulution supporting her young career which will contribute to growing the sport further and further.” - Tarek Rasouli, Managing Director RASOULUTION

More information about Patricia:
