
N1NO wins record-matching 33rd World Cup.


N1NO has been waiting for 3 years to add another World Cup win to his palmares, though this win is not just another one for the books.

It's the one that equalizes the total World Cup victories with current record-holder Julien Absalon. But to be able to fully understand the importance of this win, we have to rewind two weeks back.

Last month in South Africa, the team went into the Cape Epic better prepared than ever. An unfortunate streak of bad luck with mechanicals, crashes, and sending riders to hospital meant the race didn't end as planned. If the bad luck at Cape Epic was not enough, Nino and Lars both got ill with Covid after their return from South Africa. Luckily they recovered in time to travel to Brazil, but this was not so for Andri Frischknecht, and some of the team staff, who were unable to travel. Totally understaffed and dealing with difficulties getting ready for the first round of the World Cup, things were not looking very promising for the team.