
Jason Moeschler has a better job than you.


WTB OEM Sales Manager Jason Moeschler just completed a work week no working man nor woman would be envious of.

Moeschler, also an integral and focal member of Team WTB, just concluded a week that began with coaching a youth and adult skills camp in Taipei, moved on to setting up and working Taichung Bike Week's trade show, quickly followed by the Merida Cup Mountain Bike Race in Changhua, only to conclude in an 8 hour race, the Super 8 Enduro in Taichung the following day. Triumphant though exhausted, Moeschler has meetings with key vendors after the races on the 11th, then visits customers at WTB's Taipei office on the 12th and 13th before flying directly back to WTB's Mill Valley, California headquarters, located just north of San Francisco.
Moeschler, a dedicated and decorated racer by heritage, is used to the hectic life schedule his business title and passion for elite level racing mandates of him. Crowned the 1997 US Junior National Champion as well as three-time Downieville All Mountain Pro Champion, Moeschler is accustomed to the perseverance and discipline required to succeed. Somehow Moeschler also finds time to coach high school students in Northern California when not racing nor working.

Moeschler's week began with coaching. Separate adult and youth skills camps focused on skills Jason has honed through racing: balance, braking, line selection, weight distribution, appropriate shifting, and bike fit were addressed during the camps. Moeschler also elaborated on his work within the bicycle industry and his upbringing with WTB at the skills camps in Taipei.
Upon the camp's completion, Moeschler's focus shifted to Taichung Bike Week, setting up WTB's conference and meeting room within the Tempus Hotel. Four hectic and meeting-infused days later, a ragged Moeschler concluded Taichung Bike Week only to face a 6 AM departure and drive to the Merida Cup Mountain Bike Race in Changhua.

Dry conditions leading up to the Merida Cup made for loose riding conditions, taxing racer's bike handling skills while also bringing into question tire selection as riders faced dried hard pack, exposed sharp rocks, and hard to predict rock rubble. Moeschler had finished second to UCI World Cup XC racer Maxime Marotte the previous year, making this year's Merida Cup all the more important to Jason. Jason Moeschler finished third at this year's Merida Cup, a feat Moeschler attributes to his dedication and perseverance. Moeschler elaborated on Merida Cup's course and significance:


The Merida Cup has become one of my favorite races of the year. This event allows me to share WTB's passion of racing with my Taiwan and China co-workers, and help them understand exactly how we conceptualize, and test product at WTB. This year'strack suited me very well, which was a good thing, as my legs felt like lead after standing for four days in a row at Taichung Bike week. I needed every advantage I could get. The track was all off road, tight technical single track, which really helped me play off my strengths, to stay close to Ondrej and Rudi. To be able to keep riders like these guys in sight was very exciting. Had there been a road section, I think I would have been in big trouble. The trail helps me to hide my weaknesses. Thank you Bolton Lin, and Merida, for designing such a great racetrack.


Not to be slowed down by the Merida Cup, Moeschler promptly returned to Taichung and competed today in the Super 8 Enduro, racking up 72.4 miles / 116.5 km, placing second in eight hours of nonstop riding. Exhausted yet upbeat, Moeschler commented on the course, race, and his week:


8 hour races are very interesting. There comes a point where you reach a stage of, well, let's just say hallucination. It was quite nice to switch the brain off, and simply focus on trail today. 15 laps, 72.4 miles (116.5km), and 11,110 feet (3,386m) later, I was done, and wondering what in the world I was thinking. I was left with an empty, hollow feeling, that took away any trace of the week's trade show. I have to give special thanks to my Taiwan co-worker, Kevin Lai, for taking such good care of me, both at the Merida Cup, and at the Super 8. Supporting a rider in an 8 hour race is no easy job. Kevin made it look simple.


While understandably tired, Jason Moeschler will be meeting with key vendors in Taichung tomorrow and then concluding his stay visiting customers in the Taipei area. A whirlwind week has left Moeschler depleted yet accomplished. While pleased to spend time with WTB's Taiwan branch office, Moeschler looks forward to trails, family, and friends awaiting him back in California.