
Bearclaw Invitational this weekend.


Last weekend we saw Brandon Semenuk rule victorious at Red Bull Joyride at Crankworx Whistler. But the action doesn''t stop there! Now, Darren Berrecloth is inviting the top dogs, to his 7th edition of the Bearclaw Invitational on Vancouver Island, BC.

This contest is an official Gold event on the FMB World Tour calendar and with valuable overall ranking points up for grabs, it is a crucial chance for the championship contenders to seal the deal. Expect a gnarly course carved into the local woodland and more awesome shredding.


Darren Berrecloth is one of the biggest names in freeride mountain biking. Event organizers, industry leaders and fellow riders, all hold his opinion to highest regard. Darren is also a board member of the FMBA and has an active input into the development of the FMB World Tour. So far this year he has helped design courses like Red Bull Berg Line and Red Bull Joyride at Crankworx Whistler. So, when an athlete of his experience throws an event in the remote wilderness of Vancouver, BC, you know it is going to be off the hook!


Riders love attending this Gold event, it''s laid back atmosphere and dialed course, combines to create the perfect scene for another rocking FMB World Tour event. Now let''s take a look at what is at stake for the FMB World Tour athletes...


We already mentioned that the Bearclaw Invitational is an important contest for the FMB World Tour 2013 championship contenders. Reigning FMB World Tour Champion and last year''s Bearclaw Invitational winner, Brandon Semenuk will be there to challenge for a consecutive win at this event and stand in the way of championship contenders like Sam Pilgrim (GBR, currently 1st overall) and Thomas Genon (BEL, currently 4th overall) from scooping up the big points. Unfortunately both Martin Soderstrom (SWE, currently 2nd overall) and Brett Rheeder (CAN, currently 3rd overall) won''t be competing. Martin Soderstrom broke his leg above the ankle after a fierce fight for the win at Red Bull Joyride at Crankworx Whistler last weekend and Brett Rheeder is recovering from a previous back injury earlier in July at Crankworx Les 2 Alpes. So now the battle for the overall title really is on! Bearclaw Invitational is the last slopestyle event before the ultimate big mountain contest, Red Bull Rampage on October 13th, so if there ever was a time to rake in the points and come out on top, that time is now! Thomas Genon will have his eyes on the prize for sure. Another young gun who has be shooting all season, Anton Thelander (SWE, currently 5th ) will be looking to move up the board into the top 3 as well. Then there is Sam Pilgrim - Sam has the advantage and he wants to keep it that way.


A final word of wisdom for all the inspiring young riders: for the second time, the Bearclaw Invitational will host an official amateur competition as well on Friday, August 23rd.  The top two riders will be nominated to compete against the pros in the finals on Saturday August 24th. Amateur riders can sign up here.


So there is the low down for this weekend - it''s not over until it''s over and the Bearclaw Invitational is far from a walk in the park! Follow online for updates and news on &