Amy Morrison wins Trans Madeira!
After 5 days of fickle weather, sickness, and some insanely long days on the bike, Amy took the top step at the coveted Trans Madeira.
With a mix of technical riding, and hefty days in the saddle, this race is no joke. We\'re stoked to see Amy dominating in all disciplines this year aboard her Spire!
Read below to see what Amy had to say!
A well deserved first place for Amy Morrison
"Trans Madeira was really tough, but so rewarding!! Taking the win seemed impossible after getting sick day 4, let alone even finishing. I am so glad I showed up to the start the last morning and just took it stage by stage."
No shortage of wild looking landscapes.
"You’re so tired day 5 that you’re walking a liaison transfer that you’d normally pedal fine."
"It’s amazing to see everyone who finishes those 5 big back-to-back days on the bike. The friends I made last week, giving me encouraging words, offers of water or gels, and slow steps up the hill together is what got me through."
Amy rocking those stars and stripes!
"I picked the Spire because with blind racing you’re trying to send it, and it’s nice having a bike that will save you when you get sketchy!"
"I feel like I learned a lot and I’m excited to get back on the bike once my body recovers a little more from the effort!" -Amy Morrison
Congrats Amy, we're stoked to see more crazy adventures while you\'re on your European leg of the season! There's never a dull moment with both Amy's on and off the bike activities, so be sure to see what she gets up to.