
Amanda Batty offers to pay race fee for first time female racers


Amanda Batty is now my favourite women racer.  She has literally put her money on the line and offered up to $20,000 to pay race entry fees for first time female downhill racers. 

In her words: The way we look at it, racing downhill can be both intimidating and expensive. However, we're pretty obsessed with how much fun it is and we believe that if given the chance to just try it out, other ladies will agree with us. So we're offering to pay for the first downhill race entry fee to get women in that start gate and excited about the radness that is racing.

The clinics are part of a similar effort: girls on bikes. If racing is scary or intimidating, we want to take care of that, too. The more we know, the less we fear. So why not prepare our lady friends to best navigate a downhill race course by giving them tips and tricks to make racing as fun as we think it is?

Yeah. It makes sense to us, too.

Fine print:

The race-specific clinics will be available at any non-UCI race stop that Amanda makes and will be free of charge and available to racers of ability and experience level. Whether you're a seasoned racer or one of our never-ever ladies, there's no such thing as being 'too good' on a bike, and new race skills always come in handy.

Race entry fee coverage is open to any female of any riding ability and age for any legitimate race, anywhere and any time during the 2015 race season. Race fee applicants must be first-time racers and have never raced a downhill race, but the clinics are open to any experience level!