BC Bike Race 2024 Route


BC Bike Race their 2024 route.


BC Bike Race the “Ultimate Singletrack Experience” is excited to announce the finalization of the 2024 route, it’s 18th year in the making.



New for 2024 the BC Bike Race returns to Victoria after a 17-year hiatus. From the provincial capital, the racers will meander up the Vancouver Island Coast to Cumberland. Along the way, the participants will visit the legendary trails of Cowichan Valley, Nanaimo, Cumberland, and Campbell River, with some new routes being set and some classics remaining.

Victoria was the host for the original 2007 BC Bike Race and returns to the fold with nearly two decades’ worth of trail development managed by SIMBS (South Island Mountain Bike Society).  Victoria as a third basecamp will add both a new riding area to the route and enable the participants to enjoy this historic Canadian town before beginning the journey of a lifetime.

Victoria has deep history of producing amazing world class athletes: from home growns such as Andreas Hestler and Ryder Hesjedal to the mass migration of talent including Catharine Pendrel, Geoff Kabush, Max Plaxton, Seamus McGrath, Lesley Tomlinson, Andrew L’Esperance, Hailey Smith, Carter Nieuwesteeg and Peter Disera. It’s no question the quality of the singletrack will be equal to the calibre of athletes who have honed their world class skills and tuned their engines here.

The Cowichan Valley, Nanaimo, Cumberland, and Campbell River all return as mainstays in the second annual Vancouver Island edition. With trail inventories measuring in the hundreds of kilometers per community, balancing a week’s worth of daily adventures will be a pleasure and a privilege for the BCBR course directors. Distances, elevations, and other details will be coming soon.

Each year with small changes, a new community or a new signature trail, the overall course seeks to balance a smorgasbord of experiences. It is each year’s unique combination of communities that creates that season’s flavour and like the Tour de France that flavour is only experienced by the participants of that year’s event.

The 2024 Schedule

July 1: Ride Victoria
July 2: Ride Victoria
July 3: Ride Cowichan Valley
July 4: Ride Nanaimo
July 5: Ride Cumberland 
July 6: Ride Campbell River 
July 7: Ride Cumberland 

We will have 3 basecamps this year: Victoria, Crofton and Cumberland.

Stay tuned for the distance and elevation details, as the next few weeks unfold – plan your ‘Big Adventure’ for 2024, come join the BC Bike Race.