
Jared Graves. From Winterpark with love.


"With a sigh of relief, I crossed the finish line with an enjoyable cruise down the mountain and I had won! I took even more confidence from seeing that my time was still pretty good for the stage. There was one last thing to put the icing on the cake for the team and the weekend...Richie smashed the last stage, took the last stage win, took 2nd overall, and made it a Yeti clean sweep of the stages. What a way to round out three days of racing! Then, as another added bonus, Rosara also put together her best weekend of the year with a 5th place in the women's race...awesome!

We really couldn't have asked for a better weekend. With the release of our new bikes, it was one of those weekends that just seems too good to be true. Needless to say, with the Yeti big bosses (Conroy and Hoog) and other Yeti staff still in town, if there was a podium for best team celebration on Sunday night... then we won that as well!"

-Jared Graves